What the heck kinda blog is this?

For those of you that are not fortunate enough to know us yet, we apologize. We're just 2 dudes who have embarked on a dream of turning our script into a movie. Those that know us have likely been afforded the opportunity to witness some of our shenanigans, or at the very least hear some of our stories. Many of these stories make for some fantastic scenes.

We've written a screenplay loosely based on our life experiences, and added in some creative twists to develop a very comical movie. We've started the process of getting our script into the hands of people that can make this a reality. But, we've quickly realized, that getting script coverage by people inside the industry, potentially paying for flights to meet with agents and producers, registering the script with the WGA (Writer's Guild of America), registering with the US Copyright, and other expenses and fees (including the possibility of potentially producing and financing the movie with some of our friends) might get expensive.

So again, for those of you that know us, you probably have some clue of how much debt we've accrued through college loans and other financial issues, and for those of you that don't know us, when the script becomes a movie you will see how depressing our financial situation is. So here is our dilemma, with full-time jobs that barely cover our day-to-day bills, we're looking for some generosity. If you found your way to this site and are still reading, hopefully for one reason or another you're willing to help us out.

All we're asking for is a simple $2 donation from anyone that comes to this site. If you like our idea of trying to get our script to Hollywood, we'd love your financial support? If you've just found the blog and enjoy reading it, a donation for that is much appreciated. And if you just plain feel sorry for two knuckleheads in debt, we'll accept your sympathy donation as well. Our idea is that for every person that donates, we will open our movie with a screen that says "Special thanks to everyone who helped make our dream a reality:" and then we will list every person's name. Ideally, we would get tens or even hundreds of thousands of people to help us out and have a nice long list of people to thank. If you choose to donate, on the next page, make sure you click "update total" after you enter your donation amount or you will get an error. You can donate with your paypal account, or if you don't have a paypal account, it will accept credit cards as well.

Think about how stoked you were to see Superbad, Step-Brothers or the Hangover... wouldn't you be looking forward to seeing it even more if you knew that you A) had a hand in helping make the movie happen, and B) your name was going to appear at the start of the movie? Obviously, there is no guarantee that our movie ever ends up in theaters or gets made, but we are going to do absolutely everything we can to make this a reality and our goal has been to get as many people involved and excited about it as possible before we even go into production.

We would never want to ask anyone for $1,000's, but hopefully everyone can spare a few bucks. Please pass our site along to your friends, family co-workers and anyone that you think might be able to help us. The more people viewing our site and aware of our efforts, the closer we get to making this happen!

Oh, you wanted to know what the blog discusses? Fair enough...

Since neither of us would ever journal-blog about our trip to Houlihan’s, and sticking to just one topic like “The 80’s TV blog” would bore us to death, we’re going in a different direction. The format we are going to use will give us a direction to write everyday and you’ll know what to expect from us. There will be one post a day Monday through Friday of whatever length of words is appropriate.
So without further adieu, here is our severely corny lay-out:

Monday Morning QB: Anything Sports related from the weekend, upcoming games, stats, who knows. During baseball season, we’ll have to get creative. Just kidding. Sort of.

iTunes Tuesday: With our excellent taste in music, we’ll try to educate the world on what we’ve been listening to lately. Might be a short post like, “Google these songs by this band and start listening to them”, or it might be a rant on why someone has to be considered the most talented Hip-Hop Artist alive. In any case, your ear will thank you for taking our advice.

Wild-Card Wednesday:
Can you imagine a better way to break up the monotony of hump-day than finding out the surprise blog-post waiting for you here? Hopefully you can, but some kind of mystery will be waiting for you anyway.

Thursday Thanks:
There have been a lot of people help us get this thing going and will surely be more involved along the way, so we want to make sure we take time to thank them here. Sometimes we’ll go with a special thanks to someone that has helped us with the script, given us a push somewhere in life, and we’ll even throw in the occasional plug for someone’s web-site. And of course, anyone that makes a donation will get listed on Thursdays as well.

Filmmaking Friday: We’ll update you about flicks we’ve seen recently, movies coming out, stuff about our screenwriting endeavors, and for good-measure we’ll lend this section to TV as well.

So there it is. We’re actually moronic enough to believe this idea might somehow get us noticed by someone with a huge checking account. But hey, Diablo Cody (Writer of Juno) got noticed doing a blog, and if the idea for Million-Dollar home-page worked then we’ll waste some time writing stuff no one is going to read.