Friday, March 12, 2010

"I Demand the Sum of... ONE MILLION DOLLARS!" - Dr. Evil

First, we'd like to congratulate ourselves for finishing our #30DaysOfRewrites project. For the last month, we spent an hour or two everyday taking notes and perfecting the script. Sometimes we simply made minor dialogue changes or re-wrote a few lines in a scene. Other days, we had to completely revamp things, add to the plot, and even delete a few scenes.

Writing a screenplay is time-consuming enough. Writing a screenplay while working a combined 140 hours a week was freaking miserable. Squeezing in text messages and aim chats throughout the day and trying to stay on the same page was challenging. There were plenty of days that we felt like putting it off. But Somehow, we managed to force each other to stick with it and finish. All too often, it seemed like Big Bob was telling us we better get hungry real fast.

We'll use the next couple days to finish typing all of our editing decisions and to re-read the script. We need to make sure everything flows right. Then, in a week or two, we'll finally be ready to get famous for nothing. Unfortunately, getting famous will require us to spend money that we don't have. In order to get our script read by Hollywood producers, we have to get feedback from accomplished screenwriters. It would be awesome if they provided that service for free, but it runs anywhere from $60-$300. It is also suggested that we get our script critiqued by 3 different writers. This allows for 3 different views and opinions, providing us a clearer idea as to what needs changed.

That's where the Ad banners you probably noticed at the top of the page come in. From the same guys crazy enough to think they can sell a Hollywood movie script, we present the "Million Dollar Ad Banner"! An English kid had a similar idea, that was equally as ridiculous . In a mere 4 months, some crooked toothed bloke became a millionaire. We figured we'd ride this brilliant marketing wave and give it a shot as well. Perhaps we earn a million dollars as well, giving us the opportunity to fund the entire movie, or maybe we only make enough money to buy a coke and a smile, and shut the eff up. Who knows.

We do ask that all of our loyal readers help us with this project. Assisting us will come at no cost, besides the shame and loss of dignity that comes with associating yourselves with us. The more traffic and hits our blog experiences, the greater chance we have for companies to willingly advertise on our page. This means, we must increase our following. The more viewers a site has, the more likely they are to make money on their investment. And that is a scientific fact! So, we would really appreciate anyone that tweets, changes their facebook status or tells their friends about this site.

To all our loyal minions, and those of you visiting, please enjoy a safe weekend. We hope that by Monday our post will be that our "Million Dollar Ad Banner" took off and we are rich.

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