Friday, February 26, 2010

When it rains, it hurricanes

We had a great idea for FF, then real life tossed us a better idea. We had our most productive and strenuous day of #30DaysOfRewrites yesterday. Mostly, we've been adding jokes, making dialogue crisper and the action more vivid. Yesterday, we added an element to the plot, and basically rewrote 8 pages from scratch. It was a fun three hours. (Pause) Not.

So after spending all that time perfecting the script, it was only fitting that the inspiration behind the movie reared it's head this morning. For both of us.

Combined, we're in well over six figures of debt - mostly Student Loans. We've both devised different plans to cope with our financial woes. From this point on we will refer to the two of us as Idiot A and Idiot B.

Idiot A happens to view his "net worth" in a positive, and slightly delusional, light. This moron only looks at the difference between his checking account and credit card debt, ignoring any other debts and student loans. There's no way tens of thousands of dollars will be paid back anytime soon, so feeling like you are only in debt $200 bucks feels better than say, $35,200 or $80,200. Last month, Idiot A was actually +$400. This month, sparing you the details, he is -$1,000. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat.

Idiot A is actually doing quite well for himself, but only when compared to Idiot B. Idiot B easily trumps "not so much of an Idiot A" with nearly triple the debt. Recently, Idiot B decided to consolidate his credit card payments to get them paid off quicker. Last week he called the CC company to change his due date to coincide with the payments he makes to the consolidation company. More on this in a second.

It's ironic, because an almost identical scenario was invented for a scene in our screenplay. And then a couple months later it happens in real life. I think next week we will add a scene where we hit the lottery/sell a movie to Hollywood and see if we can duplicate our Nostradamus-like powers.

So, today, Idiot B is sitting at his desk and checks his bank account. He was licking his chops, as today was the almighty payday. Somehow, but not surprisingly, his account is instantly $250 short. Come to find out, his car payments had been automatically deducted from his account without his authorization. The swift kick in the balls is only made more devastating since he had already made his payments manually. Nothing beats paying you're car payments twice in one month with money you don't have.

While checking his accounts, he realizes that his due date for his credit card payments still have not been changed. He phones them, and they apologize, but tell him the date won't be changed until next month. This poses a huge dilemma, since the Consolidation Company is scheduled to automatically deduct payments from his account as well. After nearly an hour long conversation, the Consolidation company informs Idiot B that he must pay BOTH the credit card company AND the consolidation company for the month of March, until the program kicks in during the second month (April). This is clearly information that could have been brought to his attention YESTERDAY.

It's all in a day's work for us. After a few weeks of doing pretty well financially, we sink $1,500 further into debt, and get duped into making double payments (on two bills no less).

Like so much of the events in our movie, the joke's on us. Hope you enjoy it. We sure don't.

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